Saturday, December 15, 2007


I'm happy to hear some of you want some more of the Miranda Experience. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. It wasn't that there wasn't much going on there is that's why no posts just a lot of busyness. My shopping is going well. Every year I try to get done early so I can take the time to enjoy the season. This year I'm feeling pretty good cause I'm pretty much done. As far as updates go on here I really can't remember much of what I've done to post about it since my last post. Something to do with getting older, to much on my mind, and menopause or as some say "going through the change". Ha! those words make me laugh. One thing I do remember is the other night we had the blessing of watching some really sweet kiddo's. Here's a picture of them. Do you recognize them?

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1 comment:

Jack and Gina Plain said...

I had to click on the photo because my eyes are "going through the change" but Lane and Ava are cuties!! Thanks for the updates. Love, Gina