Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas eve

We spent Christmas Eve at our church service first. It was beautiful as usual. It's such a beautiful time of worship and pondering on the miracle of Christ's birth and the sacrifice that was made for us. Only one thing I would do different next year and that is lose the battery operated candles. I would rather not have them at all then hold those candles. Cast your vote are you for or against the fake candles?
After the service we went to Edwin's mom and stepdad to get together for our meal and the kids exchanged gifts. It was a fun night with lots of people and singing christmas songs and eating lots of food as you can see from the pictures. Christmas day was spent here in the morning opening gifts.
Christmas 07 Malpica

1 comment:

Lisa said...

i'm with you on the candle thing......i vote lose 'em. everything else was so beautiful and smelled so good with all of the live trees!! it's always a memorable evening.