Thursday, December 20, 2007

Care group Christmas dinner

Our caregroup had a lovely evening at the Boronow's home. For the last two years we have been doing a simple but delicious meal of soup, salad, bread/crackers and dessert. I think Karla's idea of keeping it simple is a great one. Anyone else do any caregroup dinners? What did you have or do?


Jack and Gina Plain said...

You captured it well on film. It was a great night, only thing to make it better is if Jack had been there.

I typed a big long response to your foot ball post and I thought it was kind of funny. But then when I went to post it, I realized I was on A's account, so I logged back in and guessed it....of course, I lost all I'd written and was out of energy to redo it. Oh well. Wasn't meant to be.

Love, Gina

Anonymous said...

We [Eden CG] also had soup with homemade bread!! It was great and made it a relaxed atmosphere because there was much less to clean up! :) Merry Christmas!