Monday, November 13, 2006

Do Nothing Club

That's right "Do Nothing Club". My parents belong to this club. My dad has been going to it since around 1957 and my mom joined in sometime later. So what is this club? Local folks from the area gather together most mornings except Sundays around 9:00a.m. for coffee at a local resturant and shoot the breeze. The conversation can range from local goings on, politics, sports you name it they talk about it. There's lots of laughter and some seriousness. This morning I went to the "Do nothing club" cause it was time to celebrate my Dad's birthday which is today and Mom's birthday which was the 8th of this month and throw in there too there anniversary which was the 12th. When this time rolls around my parents pay for everyone of there friends that come to "The Club" that morning there breakfast. It used to be whenever a new person would come into the resturant when it was a club members birthday everyone would have to sing Happy Birthday. Now they kind of toned that down a little bit. But Happy Birthday was sung to my parents at least 3 times when I was there.
Isn't that nice. It's always fun. There was at least 30 people there when I left. Also when I was leaving the waitresses were bringing out a huge cake. Sorry I had to miss that. But duty called and I had to get to work. My parents are kind and generous people. I love them.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! How awesome! I agree our parents are awesome and very generous! I love reading the Miranda experience. That paintball picture made me smile. More great memories!! Janie

Geoff and Karla said...

Your post brought a smile to me also. Enjoying people and doing nothing now that is my kind of fun. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

Your parents are so cute! I've heard of that club but didn't know your parents were official members. What a hoot. See you at care group. Gina

Julie Garner said...

I'm potentially interested in the "Do Nothing Club". Sounds like fun! :-)

Thanks for sharing this, Carol! So fun to peek into your life.
