Wednesday, August 08, 2007

yellowed leaves...............

Confession of sin is a good thing. It's not something that I have often done but last caregroup I felt compelled to confess to my ladies at caregroup of one of my struggles which is regular quiet time. Thank you ladies my friends for listening to me that night. Even though I haven't experienced an overwhelming desire to spend countless hours in fellowship with God it has helped me to make it a point to put time with God on the agenda. I've been lazy but it's time to stop. I was reminded of what God can do in your life when you look to his word regularly when I was looking at my flowers. I have flower bags that hang on the back porch of our house. In the beginning when I put them there they looked nice and fresh and started growing and then got to the point where you couldn't see the bag very much just a nice bunch of flowers providing much delight to the eye. But as time went on they started to deteriorate. There started to be gaps in places and you could see the bag again and leaves started to turn yellow as well as beetles started to feast on the flowers. I couldn't figure out the yellow leaves I tried watering more and watering less. Finally I thought I need to fertilize these beauties. So I did I miracle growed and then added some long term fertilizer to them and wow what a difference in just a few days they are looking beautiful once again. The Holy Spirit brought me that thought. When I allow God to fertilize me when I look to the word to sustain me and encourage me it will produce good growth with in me. It will be life to me. God extended his mercy to me once again. Hallelujah what a Savior.

There is a great new version of "What a Savior" for your downloading pleasure at this website.
Check it out it's a good one.


Carol Landis said...

Good stuff. Keep watering your soul and those flowers. Every time I go past your house I look in at your beautiful flowers on your front porch. Well done. And I say "AMEN"
to Hallelujah what a Savior.

Jack and Gina Plain said...

What a great insight. I need to get some miracle grow for my plants and my soul. Thanks! Gina

Julie Garner said...

This is such an awesome entry, Carol! Thanks for sharing it. I could use some miracle grow myself these days. :)


Unknown said... post please!

gotta get me some miranda experience!