Saturday, August 25, 2007

who's sixteen........

August 26 which is tomorrow Rico will be turning 16. How in the world did that happen that he is going to be that old.
You know the saying "where does the time go?" Sixteen years just flew by. Not sure what we are going to do tomorrow for Rico's birthday. I know we will definitely watch the Steeler/Eagle matchup cause Rico loves the EAGLES. That's my boy!!
Rico is a hard one to buy gifts for so we usually just take him out and let him pick what he would like (with in reason).
Burger King is his favorite place to eat so we will probably end up there at some point. If you would like to pray for Rico you can pray that he will have more of an understanding of who Jesus is and what he did for him on the cross. I'm not sure what comprehension he has of church and why we go and prayer and all that goes along with following God. And you could pray that he will speak more words and communicate better his thoughts and feelings with us. Thanks! The pictures were taken this year at the Eagles training camp.
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Steph B. said...

Happy Birthday Rico!!!!!!

Jack and Gina Plain said...

We will pray as you asked.
Love, Gina

Julie Garner said...

Happy Birthday to Rico! WOW! Sixteen is a big deal.

Love your make-up reviews as well. You're awesome!

And how about you and the family sign up for that Christmas musical at church. We need some talented adults (such as yourself) and some awesome kids (such as all of yours).

Love and hugs,