Thursday, June 07, 2007

911 rescue..........




Tonight I went outside to water my plants getting ready for the hot day tomorrow. I was watering my ferns on my porch when I heard a commotion as well as some movement coming from my fern. I noticed something fall out of the fern. Here there is a nest in my fern and indeed a little birdie fell out of the nest. Well I guess I had sprayed the birdies pretty good and they let me know they were upset. I was like what to do what to do the birdie must get back in the nest.
So I found a little box to pick up the wayward birdie. I got the birdie into the box and went to put it back in the nest.
Well, I guess little birdie wanted to feel his oats (where in the world did that expression come from) cause when I went to put him in the nest again he fluttered right out again. Meanwhile the whole family is getting in on the act. Noah checked out the situation as well as Bri and even Edwin's dad put in his two cents he's here visiting from Florida came to see his grandson graduate(Noah). Edwin came out and after deciding I wasn't getting the birdie in correctly tried his hand at getting the bird in the nest. Well he got the bird in and then both birds hopped out. Yup one landed on the porch and the other on the sidewalk. Goodness here let me try again. I put them in again and again they fluttered out. Someone is going to break something here in a minute with all this falling going on. Anyway I left the birds settle for a bit and then I tried one more time. Notice my gloved hand, tissue box, flashlight technique. It worked as far as I can tell the birds are in there nest. I quickly left so I wouldn't see if they fell out again so I wouldn't feel responsible. I'm happy with my thoughts of them sleeping snuggly in there damp nest. Sorry birdies I had to water my fern. The End.
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Anonymous said...

Poor little birdies. I'm sure they will be fine thanks to your heroic efforts. By the way, here's two things about "feel your oats".

1. I found a meaning: to have great confidence in your importance or ability. Workers are feeling their oats and demanding higher wages.

2. As to the origin, here's what one website said: I am guessing that it started out as a horse saying - a horse was feeling his oats, reacting to the food energy in his oats. One source indirectly says that: FULL OF PRUNES (OR BEANS) -"Each has the same meaning - peppy, lively, energetic, in high spirits, feeling one's oats, rarin' to go. 'Beans' was the first, and was originally said of horses after a feeding of beans raised for fodder - horse beans. Undoubtedly the spirited state of a bean-fed horse was observed in remote times - Romans also used beans as fodder - but I find nothing equivalent to the current expression before its own rise less than a hundred years ago. (Note publication date of reference.).The substitution of 'prunes' came into use at least seventy years ago, but a satisfactory reason for it is difficult to determine." From "Heavens to Betsy" (1955, Harper & Row) by Charles Earle Funk.

"He's feeling his Cheerios" was a slogan for the breakfast cereal from 1950-53, according to the General Mills site.

So there's your "I wonder..." answer for the day.

Glad Elijah is doing ok, hope he gets completely healed soon.

Noah is graduating! Your baby is all grown. What a happy/sad feeling, huh? Have fun!

Love, Gina

Carol said...

Leave it to you Gina for doing a little research. We are kindred spirits when it comes to looking things up. Thank you very much for that very informative answer.