Sunday, May 06, 2007


I saw my grandson Elijah today and I'm happy to report that he is doing better. He's eating more and going potty less. We were all at Brianna's basketball tournament today. Her team won 3 games out of 4. Not to bad at all.
Later on in the day I finished planting my flowers. Edwin and the boys went to the Barnstormers game. And the girls and I rented the movie Aragon. Bri had read the book and wanted to see the movie. She was disappointed in the movie and thought the book was much better. Usually the way it goes. But not haveing read the book I thought it was a decent movie. Bella had "Wagon Train Day" at school on Friday and here is a picture of her get up. She said she had a great time and came home with some candles that she dipped herself and also made one mocassin. I don't know if Dawn reads my blog or not but the dress Bella is wearing is actually the bridesmaid dress I wore in her wedding. When Erika was in school she wore it for "Wagon Train Day" as well. We got some good use out of that dress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, do you ladies know how to shop for flowers! That sounds like so much fun and I'm glad you have that tradition. We need a lot more family traditions to enjoy the seasons God has give us! :) I also love the story behind the dress, especially since both girls got to use it! :) It's these small moments you just enjoy so much.