Tuesday, May 15, 2007

update # 3 Elijah

Talked to Erika today. She had a Wic appointment today and she saw the nutritionist there for Elijah. She said that Elijah lost another pound and was definitely not healthy. She advised Erika to go back to the doctor again and tell them that she wants an allergy test as well as check for lead poisoning. Erika felt good that someone in the medical field acknowledges that there is a real problem here. She's also only been scheduled with the practitioner each time she has gone to the doctor. So the nutritionist said to make sure she only sees the doctor and no one else and stick with him and if she doesn't get any satisfaction from him she has the name of another doctor who works with children with problems like Elijah is having. So she will be making an appt. as soon as possible and go from there. He hasn't been throwing up lately but still has diarrhea. Thank you for keeping Elijah in your prayers.


Carol Landis said...

I'll be praying. Hopefully they will find out what is wrong very soon.
Elijah sure is a cutie.

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying that they figure something out!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it feels more hopeful just knowing that someone acknowledges the problem. I know that God can heal Elijah no matter what, but maybe God is choosing to work through the WIC nutritionist and the doctors. We'll keep praying.


Unknown said...

praying..thankful that someone in the medical field recognizes something is not right..praying for faith in God to reveal and heal Elijah's illness...

Anonymous said...

Finally got a chance to check your blog. Life has been really full and market has been fun but Sat. it was mad crazy, Rose even said she never saw it so busy, needless to say my "dogs" were smokin! Got most of my mulching and weeding done yesterday and will finish up to day - 9 scoops of mulch! Any who. Sorry to hear about Elijah, will definetly pray that he gets to see a good doctor and that God will make all things clear. Poor little guy, thought he was on the up swing :( . Will keep him in out prayers.
Well the flower beds are calling 1 more to go!

Steph B. said...

I will continue to pray for Elijah and for wisdom.

Anonymous said...

The garden looks big and impressive right now because it was just plowed and tilled....I'll bet you any amount of money that in another month or two it will look shamefully weedy!!! :) Funny that the bunnies won't eat the weeds.....

Anonymous said...

I am praying. Wyatt is alergic to dariy. He either blows up like a baloon and/or gets diarrhea. You would be amazed at how much stuff has dairy in it. And it took over a year to diagnose it. In the end I figured it out and ended up having it confermed by a Dr once I told him to test him for it. Not the best experiance when you little one is hurting. I will be praying the Dr will be agressive in trying to find a diagnosis and for Erika and Elijah!!
Alicia Hess<><