Tuesday, July 03, 2007

play bball at your own risk....

As I said in an earlier post my girls are now playing summer basketball. Last night was the first game they could play since the season started a couple weeks ago. We are anxious to get this party started. We go to where the rec league plays Bri plays at 7 and Bella plays at 8. Bri and team is warming up and 7 comes and goes. Hmm the opposing team doesn't show. Now this wouldn't have been so bad except for the fact the Bri was at Hershey Park for the day and the plan was for Edwin to pick her up at the park for the game that was the deal. Well of course Bri called and wanted to stay at H.P. for the evening as well and of course we said no cause she committed to bball and that's what we are doing. So now there is no game. That was a bit of a struggle for Bri but we talked it through. Next is Bella's game her team shows up they play she plays well end of game all is well. Edwin and the girls decided to stay and watch another team play. I took Rico and went home. Not long after I get home here comes Edwin. I'm thinking wow they must have got bored fast. But no that wasn't the situation. Seems the story goes like this. Not long after the game they were watching started two girls come running through the park saying something about there is going to be a gang war and some are caring firearms. Uhh nice! Meanwhile Edwin sees young men coming into the area from different directions and sure enough they are all gathering in the parking lot. Immediately the refs says that's it everyone get your stuff and get out. So that was it everyone high tailed it out of there. Eventually the cops came. But not fast enough Edwin stated cause by the time they got there the gang dispersed cause of all the attention I guess.
Anyway kind of weird. I wonder what kind of impact this will have on the families that come there to play. Will they still come? We will see.

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