Tuesday, July 03, 2007

the party.........

This past Sunday we had Noah's graduation party at my parents home. I don't know about you but I always get a little nervous when I have a gathering because you want everything to go well and everyone to have a good time. My prayers were answered and the day went well, not like I planned but it went very well I thought. Including children 46 people came. We did invite 80. And I received one response saying they could not come so that makes pretty many people who did not respond. Needless to say I had a lot of barbecue left over but it will freeze and we will certainly eat it no loss there. It's been several years that we have wanted to buy a volley ball net the party was the incentive we needed and we now own one. We had a nice game of volley ball going on and it was fun to watch. My parents have a pool table and ping pong in there basement so some took advantage of that. And some played cards as well.
And of course sitting around chatting and eating was definitely happening too.
My sisters and nieces were a big help to me. I get by with a little help from my friends........It was a good day and Noah was blessed so the goal was achieved. Yeah!


Jack and Gina Plain said...

CRAZY! I hope the rest of the season will not have that cloud hanging overhead. Without the Lord, it would be a scary world. Gina

Jack and Gina Plain said...

Whoops, this comment was supposed to be with the post about the baseball games. Sorry. Gina