Monday, October 30, 2006


Our 15 year old son has Down Syndrome. He's in highschool now and things are going pretty well. He goes on work programs through school and is really able to follow instructions we are proud of him. One of my big desires for Rico is for him to learn how to really communicate. Rico for the most part is unable speak clearly. There are times when you can understand what he's trying to say. Rico understands so much but he is unable to communicate back his thoughts, emotions and feelings. I want very much to know my sons thoughts. Since I work in his school cafeteria I'm able to keep my eye on him at lunch. I usually look to see where he is sitting. I see him sitting with different people everyday. I feel sad because he doesn't really have any friends that he would per say chill with or look for every lunch to sit with. People for the most part are kind to him but he looks alone to me. Rico is a gift to us I know that. I just want everyone else to know that too. Picture above is taken on Rico's birthday. We got him all Philadelphia Eagles stuff. When he was younger my husband would dress him in Steeler stuff cause he's a big Steeler fan. But one day Rico decided on his own that he was leaving the dark side and going with me his mom to make the Eagles his team. He hasn't looked back since. Haha! Yes! That's my boy. E-A-G-L-E-S.........EAGLES!


Anonymous said...

Hi Carol!

I just found your blog site while I was catching up on the Garners' site. This is so cool that you have a blog site -- it's totally you...when I think of "blogger", I think of Carol Miranda ;-)

AND...I'm very excited to be the very first commentator on your blog site -- woohoo!!!

I'm soooo glad you are doing this blog. I feel so out of the loop with the Miranda family. I miss having each and every one of you a part of my daily life (although, I wouldn't give up married life with Lane for a second!!! :-) I have so many fond memories of living with your family and babysitting the kids...I miss "The Miranda Experience"...So, I think this blog will "hit the spot"!

Love ya mucho muchacha!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I clicked on your name on the comment you left for me and found your blog site!

I love getting to know you more and the whole Miranda family!

That Lori Randolph is a doll, isn't she?! Love her!

And your grandson is adorable. Can't wait to hear Jude's sweet little voice saying cute things. I'm excited for Noah and the opportunities he has had with his voice. Like you, I have fond memories of my music activities and of chorus festivals.

As for Rico, I wonder if he sees the world the way we see it. I'm sure God has wired him to have a very unique perspective. Maybe he's wishing that we would branch out more instead of having so many close friends. Wouldn't that be funny? Maybe he knows things we don't know. I have faith that God is meeting him and filling him in ways we could never understand. I want to begin praying that he would start to communicate with you in new ways.

Thanks for sharing, Carol! I'll keep checking in on the Miranda Experience!


Geoff and Karla said...

Carol, with the way the Eagles are playing maybe Rico SHOULD look back!