Monday, March 19, 2007

nooooooo not the carpet knife........

So tonight was interesting. I got a splinter in my foot one of the hazards of having wood floors. This splinter was deep it was hurtin for certain. So I showed it to Edwin and he said it's deep I'm going to get my carpet knife. I'm like what not the carpet knife he said yes I need the carpet knife. Oh my Lord have mercy!
So I was laying on Noah's bed and Noah was holding my hand while he was watching "24" while Edwin was digging in my foot with the carpet knife. Well the knife wasn't working so I told him to get the tweezers. He couldn't get it with the tweezers I said get the nail clippers. I clipped some skin away on the bottom of my foot for a better vantage point of the evil splinter. Then I thought we better take a break and disinfect. So I got out the Hydorgen Peroxide. Love that stuff. Got it all disinfected and and tryed again. I was praying and asking God for deliverance. Finally after much digging around I said let me try it. I clipped a bit more skin away and then got busy with the tweezers. I'd rather be the one digging in my foot thank you. I spyed the splinter with the use of my book light. And continued to maniplulate with the tweezers and then there it was on the end of my tweezers the splinter. Hallelujah!! Oh yes what a relief that was. It's amazing how much pain a little splinter can cause. The End.


Anonymous said...

Well I know one thing. If I get a
splinter I am definitely NOT telling Edwin. But if I do I will make sure you hide all his carpet knives first.
Funny story Carol. Get that splinter outta my foot!!! Nachoooooooooooooo.

Anonymous said...

You're one brave lady! That must be the embodiment of love and marriage...trusting your husband to dig around in your foot with a carpet knife. Guess I'm gonna have to stay single a while longer...

Anonymous said...

I am laughing out loud and cringing at the same time. What a great and horrible story. Carpet knife?! This man of yours is CRRRRAAZY. It hurts just thinking of it. And even though I have yet to watch Nacho Libre, I have to laugh at Carol's quotes. It's about time I see that movie! Love, Gina

Anonymous said...

Well Mrs. Miradna, I know what that is like. I got a 1 inch deep splinter in my foot. Yes, I did measure it. I screamed the whole time my dad tried to get it out, in fact he said I screamed like I was having a baby!:0 Well I am glad you got it out, and you must be brave if you didn't scream! he-he!

Moriah Freeman

Teresa said...

I agree with the other Carol - if I get a splinter, I am NOT telling Edwin. Nor will I let Buddy talk to him about splinter removal. Ouch! I can feel your pain. But you described it in such detail I can totally visualize what happened. I'm glad you were able to get the splinter out. Not much worse than that - well, that and paper cuts. :-)
Hope you are doing well! Have a great rest of the week.

Carol said...

Yes my story was all in fun, true but fun. But I must say though in Edwin's defense he was very gentle. He's a whiz with the carpet knife. =)

Julie Garner said...

A carpet knife? That's crazy!

Glad you are doing better and that nasty splinter met his match when you got your hands on those tweezers!

I cracked up at your gumption entry too. You're so funny!

I was just remembering the night we all went to see Kimberly Locke with the Yoders. Dan & I were so out of our element at the night club! Ha! We should have had the gumption to just get out of there...but we had to see an American Idol! The bands opening for her though, remember? UGH!


Anonymous said... girls must be wimps!!!
Utility knives are the tool of choice out on the construction site. Especially if you can get someone to dig around a bit!

Also using a screwdriver to stir your coffee beats those little twigs they give you at the coffee shop!

Well I must take back the wimp comment for those of you who have brought children into the world. I think that might be most of you. But really, when you get a splinter just dig it out with a good sharp utility knife. Wipe the grease off it first though!

OK got to go. Commercial is over, back to Am. Idol.
