Thursday, January 11, 2007

Music Honor Society

This past Monday night was a busy night. Bri and Bella both had a basketball game and Noah had a special program too. God was gracious and thankfully everything was in one school. So we got to see Bella play a little of her game and then we headed down to the auditorium to see Noah and then after his program we headed back up to the gym to see the last part of Bri's game.
So Monday night Noah got inducted to the Music Honor Society at his school. It was a really nice ceremony. All the people who were inducted 13 in all gave a small recital. They were all really good. It wasn't just singing there was instrumentals too. I was amazed once again to here Noah sing. Around the house he doesn't sing like he does in concerts so I'm always surprised when I here him, pleasantly so. He sang Mattinata composed by Reggiero Leoncauallo. Can I be the proud momma here and say that I think his voice is wonderful. We will see where God leads with that gift. One kind of interesting thing happened the night of Noah's induction. Just as he started singing the fire station near the school, alarm went off. If you listen in the video you can definitely here it. I felt bad about that for Noah cause it was a little distracting. But still it was a great night. Congratulations Noah!

1 comment:

Sacha said...

WOW, Carol! He is really great!